Tuesday, June 21, 2005

really really really annoyed...

My mum always said that when you reach the university age, you spend a lot of time talking about the injustices of the world - sorting out your beliefs independently of your parents.

There have been several really annoying things that have annoyed me recently.

1. Christians who say stuff about Christianity that is not true - its hard enough spreading the good news of our salvation when you have to spend sooo much time apologising for other Christians mistakes.

2. Homosexuality - not being gay itself, but the insanely heavy way that some people treat it. It seems in the past few years (maybe I am only just becomming self-aware) that being gay is new, and is the worst most horrible sin imaginable. The sin is really not homosexuality itself but any kind of sex that is outside marriage. Love of people of the same sex is not sinful! Heck, I know I will get in trouble with saying that but it is currently what I think.

I know there are more because my mind is much more annoyed than that and once I have processed them I will re-post.

this really annoys me...narrow minded Christians

1 comment:

Tash McGill said...

oh my gosh.. that thing is freaky as.