Thursday, February 02, 2006

The slow and drawn out end to the holidays

So, most of my friends have gone off to Kai Iwi Lakes. The most modern and hospitible place in the north island (sorry for the sarcasm I was brought up to tent with electricity)

Which leaves me to occupy myself for a few days until i fly to dunedin tomorrow. Yippee. New Zealand Youth Choir tour here I come. 10 days of hard work singing for 8 hours+ a day. Its my life and i'm so looking forward to it.

My mother brought home some juggling balls and decided that we should all learn to juggle...hilarity ensued...we are not the most coordinated of families but I've managed to get three working together somewhat haphazardly but at least they are working.

I have got myself into a somewhat unusual sleeping habit. Out of bed at 12.30pm and then back into bed a 3am. Thats what parachute will do to you i guess. I must try and change back to something regular before I need to be singing at 9am, not very easy when you are tired.

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