Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Introducing for the one and only time, Miss Penny Hinkler

This was a recent post sent to me by a good mate of mine expressing some encouraging points about a certain commentor that may have caused offense on my blog. I do warn you that if you do comment on his blog you may also get caught up in the imbecile alert panel (IAP) But this post is here as a warning to all, ignoring is the best solution. I also would like to warn that some of the posts on the site are highly highly offensive and not a place to go in a public place if you get what i mean...

And the greatest imbecile of the year award goes to…

Not many things in this world get me really angry.

Much less in the blogosphere. I don't think I've found a site that's made me angry. Sure, I've found heaps of stuff that bores me to breaking, and a fair bit of pathetic subject matter. That's everywhere.

Today was the first time I got angry over a blog.

And because I wanna do the right thing for my friends, and not just sit back and watch people who don't even know them, mock their looks, blogs and lives, taking action seemed like a good idea. Also, if I kept at it, someone may make a movie about me one day.

If you haven't been introduced to her already, may I warmly introduce to you Miss Penny Hinkler, and her site, aimed to seek out blog imbeciles and post her mind about them. Now, ok - we see stuff like this all the time on the net.

But check out this.

Yeah she's targeted two people I love ever so muchly (who might I add have taken it very well).

I laughed when I read her site for the first time. She has a point with a lot of blogs she talks about. She knows what's bad writing.

What I don't understand, is the fact that she can notice bad bloging so easily in others blogs, but totally miss it in her own.

Surely, Hinkler in her blogging superiority would have realised by now how mundane it is to read blog disses over and over again. No wonder it's only her and her strange friends contributing and enjoying this peculiar fetish.

Now, no doubt I will receive a backlash for writing this - but this isn't revenge. I think I'll call it... righteous retribution. This is a plead to Hinkler and co to stop doing this. I mean, I'll even ask nicely:
