Friday, May 20, 2005

blah blah blah friday night blah


I really wish I was doing something other than writing on my blog. It seems the more time that you spend doing stuff with friends the more time that your by yourself, becomes really crap.

Stupid stupid stupid. I'm really annoyed I'm gonna miss Jono's itemy thing at church this sunday because of a leaders meeting planning for our worship team retreat that I don't think is necessary. Ah well, I can't really take it out on anyone except for my blog readers so there you go....

I think I might actually go and do some work....oh how my friday nights have changed, or rather not improved at all...

Oooooo!!! Star Wars "colon" Episode III

How I love those colon films (Pirates of the Carribean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, The Lord of the Rings: The fellowship of the ring etc): seriously excited though, now only to find someone who is equally excited and will not go "ewww so your like, one of them star wars freaks" like I had today.... stupid ditzy non-science fiction/action loving girlies-if anyone is so inclined, i would be appreciative to learn that I was not the only person who found solace in the fictional world of George Lucas....please???

Well, if not then i guess i will be redecorating my room mucho fast before anyone happens upon it.


Sam said...

I'm exited about it. Check my blog.

Jono said...

lol...woohoo i'm not alone. but c'mon, jar jar is like the wickedest useless character ever invented!!!! looks like this movie is gonna rock as far as lightsaber battles go...rock on