Sunday, May 22, 2005

Vision Banquet

Every year, our church has this event which most people would refer to as the agm - or annual general meeting. Blad de blah blah blah boring buisness stuff. One of the funky things tho, is that the creative ministries budget (ie Woship!) is to be doubled for this year which rocks like anything. Also, we're developing a room off the auditorium into this mean as video editing suite. To my shock, amazment and absolute excitement, when I asked about the possiblity of getting a live feed from the auditorium so we could record music, he was like "sweet as, sounds like a wicked idea, shouldnt be much of a problem." Sweet!!!! Then i asked about software that we need, and he was like "shouldn't be too much of a problem" Man o man is God good or what!!!! Now Tash and I just have to write more songs, we've only done 3 in the last couple of months so had better pick up the pace. Wicked as. No wonder I cant sleep at 1:15 in the morning.....

Springfield were playing tonight at the Copper boiler, if it hadnt been so loud it would have been awesome. Oh well, thats the way it goes then.

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