Sunday, May 22, 2005

I have a car

Yipeee. My parents finally bought a car for me to drive. (yes, I know its not even mine but I don't care) This means I can actually learn so I dont spend the rest of the year being the only person of my year level that can't drive... I think i've held this title for tooo long... I must say I'm quite glad to be rid of it.

Worship team rocks - that is all i want to say. I simply love getting together with the guys in our team and have a rocking good time. Wish you were playing with us sam... Especially since it keeps getting better and better everytime we get together. Like, last sunday, practice stopped at 6:15 and we actually had a insane is that. Then the next night, our practice went till after 10pm - this never ever ever happens... I love my team & God for being such a wicked member.

I really should be sleeping with an important singing exam tomorrow but can i be stuffed??? no of course not. One of the most distressing things about my busy schedule this week is that I dont have a free night to go and see star wars - sucks to be me. And then I dont have a weekend because of worship retreat (ok so that doesnt suck) but it means everyone that I know will have seen it by the time I am free and I'll have to watch it myself...grrrrrrr poo bum stink and weasel (never quite understood what the weasel had to do with it though...)

1 comment:

Jono said...

Wow, thats an interesting way of looking at it. Methinks you have absolutely no idea what a worship retreat is so I think I'll leave your advice today...its also quite ironic that you think of me as sick, demented and crazy. Oh well, you're entitled to you own opinion i guess.